It is a shame that as a junior student in computer science, this is my first time hearing the software engineering concept “High Cohesion, Low Coupling”. I am pretty sure that I have heard this somewhere. But the first time I heard this in Chinese, that was a big surprise.
On the Chinese online forum CSDN, I asked something about MVC model a couple days ago and nobody seemed to be interested. I went back there yesterday, two people in the post were talking some cohesion and coupling stuff. If they were using English, I would know what they were talking about. But these two words in Chinese are just weird! Cohesion, this sounds like some chemistry thing, organic chemistry I promise. Coupling is something even more strange for me which I used to think it is a electrical engineer thing. So I didn’t think much and left the post there. After the college physics final today, I was sitting here reading 酷客, my favorite programming blog these days. The editor Mr. Chen has just post a new article called How to understand object oriented programming. After reading the whole critique of misusing object oriented programming, I read the worlds cohesion and coupling in Chinese at the end again. What an awkward moment! Everyone in IT industry were talking about things that I have never heard about! So I googled them and found what those are in English, which I have of course heard in my CS classes.
学习一下其实这俩词儿意思都很简单,高内聚说的是一个模块干一个事儿,低耦合是说增加模块的独立性。这两点导师无论是Java还是C++编程都一再和我强调(我导师挺固执的,不说这些设计模式要严格遵守,就连 { 在定义行末还是第二行起始都得按照他意思来)。听起来意思简单,理解起来还是有点困难的。一是为什么?二是怎么做?在学习Java的时候除了英文的教科书,我还曾使用过国内某一流大学使用的Java教材,该教材只能说把Java语言的格式交给了学生,但其中面向对象概念接近没有,所有例程无论多大多长全部使用一个.java文件完成,所有方法都直接扔在主类中。这直接造成了我很长时间对面向对象的困惑,有那么个几个月我都觉得整个源码就一个文件多好啊,看起来也方便。现在想想要是喜欢一个文件的源码,还不如不用面向对象呢,很多事儿反而方便些。至于怎么做,这真的就不是我能写写说说的了,我确实没有深入学习软件工程,自己的代码积累也不足够对此评述。
Actually I am not trying talking about software engineering at all. I am talking about life.
In fact in our daily life we also need reusability, augmentability, and of course sustainability.